Literature and the Conservative Cause: Prague, July 5 – July 7, 2013


blacklogoObčanský institut je lokálním koordinátorem  Eight Annual Vanenburg Meeting of the Center for European Renewal. Akce s názvem Literature and the Conservative Cause proběhne v Praze – Průhonicích ( mezi pátým a sedmým červencem. Přednášet budou například Roger Scruton či Ryszard Legutko. Program je ke stažení zde:  2013 Vanenburg Meeting.

Zájemci, kteří budou mít zájem o ubytování či stravu, si ji musí hradit sami, samotná akce je zdarma.

Conference details:

When: July 5-7, 2013 (14:00 on the 5th begins the first session; lunch on the 7th is the official end of the main programme; members of the society may stay until lunch on the 8th)

Host city: Prague, Czech Republic

Venue:  Park Hotel (

Cost: 250 EUR (125 EUR for East Europeans and the under-employed; please let us know in your reply if you believe this applies to you.) This includes room and board from dinner Friday to lunch Sunday.  PRO ÚČASTNÍKY, KTEŘÍ NEBUDOU UBYTOVÁNI, CENA NEPLATÍ.

Please send us the following as soon as possible:

  • Your arrival and departure dates. You may come early or stay an extra night for a fee (payable upon arrival or departure); members of the Vanenburg Society have a programme that is one day longer (thus an extra fee of 25 euros).
  • Spouses who will not attend the conference are welcome to come to Prague; please let us know if this is the case for you, as there will be a small surcharge for the room.
  • All rooms have their own toilet and shower. If you require a single room, please indicate this; preference will follow seniority and availability. Depending on demand, there may be a surcharge.
  •  A short biography for the conference programme. This should be no longer than the equivalent of four lines of an A4 page.
  • An acknowledgement in your e-mail reply confirming that you have paid or will pay the conference fee (see below).

For more information, email: 


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